Create official government links in seconds
Long URLs directed to websites and digital forms are difficult to read and take up space. Public link shorteners lack government branding and could expose members of the public to phishing attacks.
Go.gov.sg is built to provide the public service with a trustworthy link shortener.
- Anti-phishing from legitimate .gov.sg domain lets citizens know they are assessing a government resource
- Saves time as it typically takes 3-7 man days to shorten links to agency domain
- Uses analytics to track click trends across all government links
- Allows file sharing via a customised and trustworthy short link
- Used by 24,000 public officers across 70 agencies
- At least 180,000 links shortened
- 136 million link clicks
Alwyn Tan | Leonard Loo | Lisa Tjide | Natalie Tan | Ong Xiang Qian | Yuanruo Liang | Yongjie Foo | Eugene Long | Barnett Lee